Shop Our House & Resource List

Below you will find a comprehensive list of and links to our resources. Some, but not all, of the below links are affiliate links. If we have inspired a purchase you’re interested in, it would be wonderful if you would use our link to help support the time and effort we put into making all of this information freely available! This page is updated regularly, but if you have an inquiry about a product that you don’t see listed, please comment or send us a message!

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Cabinetry, Flooring, Tile


Paint & Painting Supplies

  • Cabinets – Scuff-X, Satin finish in Narragansett Green HC – 157 by Benjamin Moore. Note* This color changes easily depending on lighting and colors it is next too. It looks wildly different in full sun vs. a dark room. I always suggest sampling paint first, but especially with this color.
  • Floetrol – Floetrol Latex Paint Additive We always add floetrol to our paint! It is a paint conditioner that really helps to get a smooth and even surface and helps with preventing clogs in sprayers!
  • Paint Sprayer – Graco Truecoat 360 Airless Paint Sprayer This paint sprayer was the third one we tried and the first one we liked! It is quite affordable when compared to others!
  • Ceiling – Roman Clay in Patagonia by Portola Paints.
  • Old Photos; Wall – Limewash in Eastwood by Portola Paints.
  • Old Photos; Trim & Paneling – Scuff-X, Satin finish in Snowfall White by Benjamin Moore.
  • New Photos; Wall – Limewash in Blondie by Portola Paints
  • New Photos; Trim & Paneling; Scuff-X, Satin finish in a custom mix of Balboa Mist & Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore. Formula: Y3 0x 12.2500, S1 0x 14.2500, W1 0x 2.7500, R3 0x 2.500

Furniture & Accessories


Studio & Office

Studio Bath

Kids’ Room

Living Room


  • Paint Colors;
    • Walls – Tissue Pink by BM
    • Ceiling – Black Knight by BM
    • Trim & Doors – Snowfall White by BM
  • Rug – NuLoom Hand knotted Fez Shag Rug (don’t super recommend, as it is hard to clean, but decently priced for the size, and a white shag rug is always hard to clean!)
  • Bed Spread – Vintage Chenille Blanket
  • Ceiling Medallion – Ekena Millwork CM18DI
  • Dresser – Ethan Dresser by Birch Lane, no longer available (which is a shame because it’s a great dresser!)
  • Ethan Allen Heirloom Pediment Queen Bed in Nutmeg Maple (Vintage 80s/90s) – Etsy, Ebay
  • Nightstands – Amberly Nightstand by Inspire Q (note, I made the leather pulls from old boot leather and brass screws).
  • Mirror – Malone Campaign Floor Mirror by West Elm
  • Sheets – Opalhouse for Target
  • Small Faux Fur Blanket (aka “Stark Blanket”) – Faux Fur Ombre Throw by West Elm
  • Large Faux Fur Blanket (aka “Stark Blanket”) – Faux Fur Ombre Throw by West Elm
  • Sconces – Ethel Sconce by Worley’s Lighting
  • Painting above Bed – Framed Abstract Wall Canvas by Project 62 for Target


California Mud Room

Other Resources


House Books

Get Your House Right; Architectural Elements to Use & Avoid by Marianne Cusato & Ben Pentreath

This book is REALLY great in illustrating (literally & figuratively) architectural elements and proportions to use and avoid; particularly helpful in choosing windows & doors & trim styles.

A Field Guide to American Houses; The Definitive Guide to Identifying and Understanding America’s Domestic Architecture by Virginia Savage McAlester

More centered for readers in the U.S., this book is really great to help you: 1) Identify what your home’s style is (so many of us don’t know what style our own home’s are considered!), 2) Learn the history of why certain elements and layouts in your home exist (helpful to take into consideration when considering layout changes), and 3) Find adjacent styles to incorporate easily into your home. If you are going to mix styles its best to be very intentional about how you are doing it!

The Old Way of Seeing; How Architecture Lost its Magic (And how to get it back) by Jonathan Hale

More a book about a philosophy than a book with practical advice (although it does have some nice diagrams that illustrate his points), I found this book to be remarkable as a way of explaining just what it is I love about old buildings. I was highlighting and laughing and becoming almost gleeful reading the first few chapters! It was refreshing to find words that felt like I could have written them in a published book. A really great read if you tend to love old house and buildings and wonder just what it is about newer buildings that you find less charming, and how to translate that into practical things you can do to help make your own home a more lovely place to live.

Books that changed my life

These books contain information or phrases that led to many pivotal “ah-ha” moments for me–moments that fundamentally changed my way of thinking for the better from then on. They are personal experiences and as such, they would obviously not work the same way for every other person who exists. I share them so my readers and followers can have some understanding of where I come from, and with the bonus that some may share similar experiences to mine.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up; The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondō 

I know, I know, “life-changing” is even in the title. But it’s true, this book really DID change my life. If you ever look at my photos and wonder “how do they keep their kitchen so clean” or, alternatively (and more negatively) think “omg no one can really live with so few things on their counters”, the answer is what I learned in this book. And, really it was small little tidbits; to focus on the DAILY lifestyle I really wanted more than the objects “I might need 3 or 4 years from now for a random school craft”. And instead of focusing on what I dont want to throw away, focusing on only what i want to keep, and donating everything in the middle.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey

This book delivers a line that somehow I had never heard before reading it; “Respond instead of reacting“. That was a powerful “duh” moment for me, but somehow I had never thought about it before. I don’t always have the self-control to respond before I react, but just making that a priority or something I want to live up to has lead to a very effective change in my life.

10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story by Dan Harris

After years of hearing and reading about how good mediation is for our minds, but still not quite grasping just how to do it (spoiler alert! As with many things, I was overcomplicating it before trying it), this book helped me to understand how it really can be about just sitting there and reminding your mind to just shush a lot in the beginning, and THAT’S OKAY, THAT’S DOING IT. I very much relate to his “fidgety skeptic” personality and how to overcome that. After a month of just trying to meditate, I realize it really helped with that “respond instead of react” aspect I was trying to implement in my life from the seven habits book. Eventually I got to a point where I could calm my mind pretty easily–however, it has been a challenge for me ever since we did our renovation (renovations tend to upset your base need of shelter, which can throw everything off) and has lingered into the pandemic.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Just a really great book to help you understand how precious our ideas are while simultaneously not putting the burden of our entire existence on our creativity.

…. more to come!

8 replies on “Shop Our House & Resource List”

Do you have an affiliate link to any course you took to learn SketchUp? I’ve tried stumbling my way through YouTube tutorials without much luck, and I’d plunk down money to have a course hold my hand through it!

Your website and work is truly impressive and inspiring! Hoping you have many future fruitful collaborations and sponsorships ahead of you! Unlike so many other DIY/home influencers, your voice is very reader-centered and helpful rather than personality driven, and I love that!

Hi Jeanne! I never took a skech up course; I learned it in about 4 hours doing the official sketch up tutorials in 2016. I have come to understand that I am probably not the norm in how quickly I picked up sketch up, but I am sure it has something to do with 20 years of using adobe programs, having taken a Maya (3D animation) class in college, 3D studio max lessons offered at work when I was an architectural illustrator, all combined with a love of video games spanning almost 35 years! I have had an idea that I need to address how I can easily express some sketch up tips for homeowners for a while, and I hope I will be able to get to that soon! I feel like I have a bit more to learn myself before I can do that with confidence. However, my first and what I think most important, most helpful tip is always to group! GROUP GROUP GROUP! CMMD + G!! Group any object that is a separate surface from another. For example, with a kitchen cabinet, a counter top is separate from a drawer front and a side panel and a drawer pull, etc. All of those items should be grouped separately. You can group them all together after making individual groups, but if you dont group them separately you will have a big connected mess on your hands.

Thank you so much for your kind words! We are working hard (however slowly) to create a resource with the level of detail and information that we personally wish we could find more often on the internet! We really hope we can encourage people to make the most of their spaces, no matter how “grand” or “humble”.

Hello Jessica,
This question may have been already addressed elsewhere, so I apologize in advance if that’s the case. I’m having a hard time finding decorative air grille to replace the ugly ones currently on the wall – they’re 18″ x 22″ (I can find ugly ones in this size on Amazon, etc.). Do you have a source, or do you think my choices are limited to either custom-order ($$$$) or DIY (I have questionable skills). Thank you so much.

Hi Jessica,
I have one question (I may have missed the information in some of the posts) – is the flooring in the bedrooms and hallways the same as the kitchen flooring?

Your home and design ideas are beautiful and so relatable – down to earth, personal, and livable. And your website is a treasure trove of information! I agree with the earlier comment about your focus on the reader and helpfulness. Thank you for sharing; I wish you much success!

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